In the script, I just had Ril make it back into the cargo bay, close the doors, and head to the cockpit. But when it came to drawing the page, I felt like it was just a series of actions that was a bit flat as there was no real emotional component to it. So I thumbnailed in a couple panels of Ril seeing one of the Tedeskian guns lying there with the remaining scrap. I like that I then got to have Ril REACT to something.
As a nice bonus, I had him pick it up, so he now has something as a physical reminder of what he had to do today. I’m not entirely sure where it goes from here, but I think it should affect his character a bit. And I like that if I want to have him think back upon this encounter, I can have him SEE this gun to jog that memory, rather than trying to find some other non-visual way of doing that.