One thing I don’t think I did terribly well is convey a difference in personality from this point on with Sky. Or if I did, I feel it may be a bit subtle. I don’t know. The intent was that with the physical change, her personality also changes a bit. Instead of the more reserved and slightly timid blue version, the shiny incarnation is actually much more outgoing and confident. I tried to convey it mostly through her interactions with Bocce and impulsive behavior without having anyone specifically call attention to it, but in doing so, I’m not entirely sure how successful I was.
As for the ripped outfit, I wanted both Bocce and Sky to sustain some damage from the fall, since it only makes sense. But I didn’t want to do the cheesy, gratuitous cliche of having Sky’s costume shred down to the equivalent of a tube top and short shorts. While readers may have enjoyed that (and I probably would’ve had fun with that as an artist), I find that to be a bit pandering in most cases. So I deliberately kept the rips modest so that readers wouldn’t get pulled out the story by thinking, “Ha! The artist obviously wanted an excuse to just draw a half-naked chick here!”
Sorry, Sky fans. FYI, in the next arc, she wears even MORE clothes since that story takes place in a snowy environment. Maybe I’ll have to make the third story take place on a tropical beach. Or Mardi Gras. 🙂
I think that this page does a great job of showing the personality change in Sky.
“Whoah! That was fun!”, while lifting up part of a building, seems so out of character coming from the quiet, even timid, gal we’ve come to know.
I think that Sky is about to get much more interesting.
FWIW, I also think Sky’s personality change is quite evident here.
On an unrelated note, the more I read this, the more I want to see Runners action figures and playsets. For as much fun as I had with my Millenium Falcon as a kid, I think the Brimia would be even cooler.
As Sean’s wife, you don’t know how thrilled he is with your comment about wanting to see Runners action figures and playsets. As a major collector himself, that couldn’t be a bigger compliment!
even a cartoon would be cool especially if it had a great anime studio working on it
I would not be averse to a cartoon series! 🙂 The thought had crossed my mind, and it made me wonder if it would be more episodic (with different stand-alone smuggling adventures each week) or serialized (as the big epic war story I have planned for the comic). I definitely lean towards the latter but could see the former being fun too.
a combo of both would be cool the clone wars did fun serialized arcs and done in ones so that could work but u would need a great soundtrack to back up a great show here is some examples
Cool. Good to know Sky’s personality change is more evident than I thought it was. It’s the old “working in a vacuum thing” where sometimes I don’t quite know how something is going over. One more reason I Iove the ability to leave comments here on Runners Universe.
And an enthusiastic “YES, PLEASE!” on Runners toys! That would be a dream come true for me. A long time ago, I even came up with a “toy manifesto” on what I would ideally want to be done, design and production-wise, if action figures were ever made. Geek-tastic!
Truthfully I would love a model Brimia to put together!
Agrees with Cyko, i think it would be neat to have one too!
The way you’ve posed Sky — it’s “Birth of Venus”, isn’t it? Nice way to show she’s become something else.
Funny. It wasn’t really intentional, but I guess I can see it. Had I actually thought of it, a broken portion of the ridged roof she fell through might have made for a good clam shell under her feet. 🙂
I did wonder one time about scratch building a Brimia based on a videocassette case, but I’m not skilled enough to do that.
Whenever I get the time, I’d love to do a paper model of the Brimia and then make it downloadable if other people wanted to put one together as well. No idea when that would ever happen though, since the comic itself is taking up all my time! Maybe I can find a way to justify the time by thinking of it as a “reference model.”