
Just wanted to give RUNNERS fans a heads-up. Apparently Patreon will be making some changes in their rates in early May, but any creators with live projects will get grandfathered into the current rates. I was planning to launch a Patreon at some point this year, but in order to get in on the better rates, it looks like I will be launching sooner rather than later.
So I will officially launch a Patreon page in April! It will most likely be a soft launch with only a few tiers, and once Vol 3 enters actual production, I’ll be pushing it much more since I’ll be generating much more content at that point. But in the meantime, for those of you who would like to support RUNNERS in an ongoing way, look for the Patreon in April. I’ll be sure to post more about it here, as well as what I will be offering backers as rewards.
Generally speaking, I will be offering a lot of behind-the-scenes content. All the actual comic pages, along with commentary, will still appear here on RunnersUniverse. But the majority of the concept sketches, along with associated commentary, will move to Patreon. I may also be offering higher-res images of the comic pages, as well as some fully-layered color PSDs, for those artists who’d like to see how I color a page. Other rewards may include voting privileges for certain aliens, color schemes, etc. Maybe even the written scripts, if people are into that sort of thing. It will definitely be a balancing act between what I offer here for free (always the story itself!), what I post on Instagram and other social media (for promo), and what I reserve for Patreon as paid content.
I’m excited to finally get a Patreon account going and I hope readers will support RUNNERS there. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s very much like Kickstarter but in on ongoing format. So while Kickstarter generally funds the production of a physical graphic novel at certain intervals, Patreon funds the creation of the series itself over time! Once you create an account, you can choose projects to back on a regular basis, paying either by the post or by the month. For me, it would be a way to bring in some sort of dependable income while I continue to work on RUNNERS, which otherwise only gets funded sporadically with Kickstarter projects. I hope those who really enjoy the series will consider backing the Patreon. Basically, for the cost of a comic a month, you’d be able to show support for the series and allow me to continue to do it (which I’m going to do anyway, but the more I earn means the more freelance I can turn down to solely focus on the comic.)
In the meantime, if there’s anything you’d like to see in a RUNNERS Patreon, feel free to chime in here! I have a number of ideas settled on already, but I’d love to consider some additional offerings as well.
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