Ugh. I need an editor to keep track of details. Way back on Chapter 5 Page 8, I had Jayd mention that Sky was #25 of 62. And then on this page, I had her say she was #25 of 40. Glad I happened to catch that earlier mention while randomly reviewing some older pages. 62 now seems like a lot so I will most likely go back and revise that to be 40 to match this page.
But I really should start making some important notes for myself, so I don’t screw up these kinds of details!
Ah, why not keep it 62? Our house is number 62. My grandma had a house with number 26B. An uncle lives at 162. And on my way to work there is a landmark with 62.
Of course, 40 can be a reference to Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
Or maybe 64? Don Muraco cut a great promo on the number 64. And there was the Commodore 64.
Or 12? So at some point Tylo can get beat up by 12 Angry Service Clones.
Numbers, man… Numbers!