For the record, I’m really happy with how all the laughing turned out here. Originally, I planned to do the “ha ha’s” as normal text in shared word balloons. But in the top panel, I realized it would be weird to have some balloons with dialogue mixed with other laughing balloons since it would just look like a jumble of balloons that would confuse reading order.
I knew I had seen laughter done as sound effects before, most notably for me in Batman: The Killing Joke. So I opted to do that here, with “ha ha’s” as sound effects floating around everyone, and I think it works great.
It does work great, it makes it feel so much more like a feeling shared through the scene than a sound.
Agreed. The floating sound effects work great.
Nice to see Raszec can enjoy a good prank story.
The laughter is well rendered, and what really makes the page are the stunned expressions in panel 2. 🙂
Yay! Thanks everyone. Glad you all thought it worked too!