I keep having Bocce in these fight scenes but properly conveying the ferocity of his fighting still feels elusive to me. I know comic art can convey that kind of frenetic action better with overlapping panels and chaotic layouts, but I’ve established a clean gutter and panel layout to the series thus far, and I feel like a drastic change in that look wouldn’t really fit.
It’s still something to work on, but this is one of the rare instances where I think animation or live action would allow the intent to shine in a way that’s much harder to accomplish in more static comic art.
Perhaps it’s also what’s in your mind that translates to the drawing?
I think you managed to draw this frantic action best in Bocce’s fight with the Kaagan-vas, but perhaps that was because you knew that you were depicted a life and death situation. Compare that to this scene where it looks like it’s going to be a misunderstanding.
Hmm. Interesting point. Yes, it looks likely to be a misunderstanding, so maybe I did unintentionally stage it without that element of true danger. That said, looking at it again, I do think I could have chosen some more dynamic angles to make it look more action-y. That might’ve helped sell it as Bocce’s view of the fight as opposed to what it truly is.