Some of this dialogue comes back to a previous commentary I did about whether to have Jayd use her real name (to avoid confusion on the readers’ part with a new character) or a fake name (for believability). I went with the fake name, but thought I should include a scene where the crew actually calls it out and acknowledges it. I thought doing so would establish what I thought would be the case: that Jayd is someone that people know by reputation, if not appearance. And once they saw her ability, they would realize who she was and that the name she gave was a fake one.
Nice story telling on this page and you accomplished your goal.
Surely the crew will decide to rescue Sky???
I suppose being able to manifest a traffic-cone orange armoury at will is the kind of thing most people who see it and survive are going to remember.
I wonder does Jayd keep her power secret until she needs to beat down a bunch of fools or is she sitting down to dinner every day at space gangster HQ with a glowing orange cutlery set, summoning umbrellas when it rains and conjuring up a stylish hat for red carpet events.
Let’s not forget orange energy puppet shows!