In some ways, I thought the previous cover was a little too busy with the crew surrounded by cops against the backdrop of the Oniaka city station. So for this cover, I deliberately decided to go for something a bit simpler that readers could grasp visually at a very quick glance.
hmmm… shouldn’t the yellow highlight on sky’s skin be green?
Not necessarily, reflective colors don’t change if they stem from a monochromatic source (or nearly so).
FLASH! Zoom- ahh!
He’s gonna save every one of us!!!!!
Ha ha! DIVE!!!!!!
Funny thing is I wasn’t thinking Flash Gordon when I designed the vehicle. I had found that Star Wars’s speeder bikes had become the go-to jumping-off point for so many one-man vehicles out there that I wanted to do something different. And I thought it’d be more fun to do something functional and not deliberately designed to be “cool” and racer-y. So I went for more of a jet-ski look. But yeah, it definitely recalls Flash Gordon now that you mention it!