Vol 1 Pages in Color on RunnersUniverse!

All the old Volume 1 black-and-white pages on RunnersUniverse have now been swapped out for the new color versions! So you can now read all the story content on the webcomic site in color. Woot! You can start reading Vol 1 in color HERE.
Like George Lucas with the original Star Wars trilogy, I will now disavow the very existence of the previous version and try my best to wipe all traces of it from the planet. Ha ha. Actually, the printed version of the b&w book is still available (at a discount) in my Store, but since the series is in color now and will be in color going forward, it made sense to replace the old pages on the site with the color versions. All the reader comments are still intact though, including ones that now hilariously reference the b&w art that no longer shows.
FYI, you can also read the series at ComiXology (with its fun Guided View format) and Webtoons (for free, with a really cool vertical scrolling format). Comic stores can also now order the series through Diamond Previews.
Progress continues on Vol 3, with the entire 34-page first chapter fully penciled and now half of it inked and ready to go to the colorist! As always, you can support the series on Patreon, as every little bit helps me continue to produce the series, and you’ll get access to cool bonus content to boot.
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