I knew I wanted to have Sky do a very poor job at sculpting something quick to present to Jayd with the lump of clay. I had no idea what that should be, but then I realized it would work well for it to be her version of the space whale she saw Jayd sculpting earlier.
I kinda think it’s too good for Sky though, so I might go back in and make it goofier-looking, depending on how much work that would be.
A nice gesture from Sky.
I see no reason to redraw the sculpture. It’s rough enough to look like it was done quickly. Sky could be someone that has artistic potential, but is too busy being on the run to explore it. Or maybe something to explore when there is downtime?
“Blue Sky, smiling at me…”
(couldn’t resist)
That’s a nice callback. The one she made to trick the shopkeeper earlier would also have worked but this was the first one Sky saw so it might work better.