I came up with the term “dhama” to sounds a little like “don” (IE Godfather) and “Dalai Lama.” Not that mobsters are spiritual leaders in any way in the Runners universe. I just thought both terms had an air of respect to them that I wanted to convey since the dhama are pretty high up on the mobster totem pole. Although not at the very top.
Tylo’s complex goes by the name Cascades, for obvious reasons, although the name never actually shows up in the story arc itself. I like the remoteness of the setup, which makes some sense for a mobster, since it would certainly be hard to attack the place. At least from land.
Awesome hide-away but it would be unbearably loud with that much water going over the falls that close! Ever been to Niagara Falls? Going there tomorrow for my second visit. Very loud 🙂
Ah, but it makes up for it with the nice refreshing misting they get on a constant basis. And by “misting,” I mean “soaking.”
those huts remind me of the ones on kayyshk
Beautiful work!