Runners Now on Webtoons!

I am very excited to announce that RUNNERS is now live on Webtoons!! It is part of Webtoon Canvas, where indie creators can upload their own series for free viewing online and on the Webtoons app.
Comics on Webtoons are read panel-by-panel through vertical scrolling. When I first looked into the site last year, I was baffled by the format. Why would anyone want to do that much scrolling to read a comic?? But having played around with it and after reformatting my comic, I now really like it! Interestingly, the scrolling gives the creator much greater control over pacing: the time it takes to scroll can sometimes act as a real-time beat between panels. And surprise panels work much better since you only see them when you are meant to, not when you flip a page and your eye goes to it prematurely. So I can definitely see the merits of the format now, and it’s very intriguing.
For the coming months, I’ll be posting Vol 1 and Vol 2 on Webtoons while I keep chugging away on new Vol 3 pages. Please feel free to check it out, like, and share!!
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