160 pages into this story arc and new characters are still being introduced! Or course Azarek’s gang would have to show up eventually. With these guys, I deliberately tried to make some of them a little more weird and alien than some of my more recent designs. I guess you can’t really tell in the main panel, but in the smaller one, you can see that they aren’t all just the usual bipedal shape.

In my original version of the script, they were all going to have technological modifications, like Azarek’s arm. I thought it might be interesting to introduce the element of biomechanical enhancements to the RUNNERS universe, with maybe some reactions of disdain from Hiura’s crew. I thought that might open up some story possibilities for a tech that might be maligned by some while embraced by others.

In the end though, I really had no set story for that tech element. And I just did not feel like investing the extra design time to figure out all their respective mechanical hardware. So I scrapped the idea. Who knows, it may still figure in at some point, but I currently don’t have a plan for it. Although if I do come up with something later, I will be kicking myself for not squeezing it in here first.