It’s a very minor thing that I’m sure most readers wouldn’t think about, but in this scene, I wanted the Tedeskians to jump Ril and physically tackle him. But why wouldn’t they just shoot him with their guns? That’s why at the end of their last scene, when Ril topples the big pile of scrap towards them (Chapter 6, pg 10), the Tedeskians drop their guns.

I’m sure if I had them holding their guns here but still jumping him, no one would really think anything of it. But it felt like something that needed solving on my end.

As an additional quibble, in the early scenes, the Tedeskians have the gun straps going around their torsos, so the guns could dangle as they picked up junk. But then how do they drop the guns completely in the previous scene if they have straps going around their torsos? I figured during the gunfight, they took the straps off from around their bodies so they could hold the guns more comfortably, which made it so they could then be dropped completely.

These are the kind of stupid details that I sometime find myself wrestling with. Stupid brain.