And we’re back! After a little break over the holidays, when my schedule tends to get a bit out of whack.

As I’ve mentioned in past commentary posts for Bocce flashback scenes, I like doing panel compositions that mirror each other when a scene switches between past and present. So I did those again throughout the past few pages.

This page was a really hard one for me to tweak, color-wise. Robby Bevard (one of my colorists) did a great job with it, doing some nice sunset lighting that felt very dramatic. The problem is that I have always done a color pass on all Bocce flashback pages to add an over-exposed sepia effect to it. I’ve found that the effect works well with daytime scenes. But I found that nighttime scenes didn’t fare as well. In this case, I wanted to keep as much of Robby’s coloring as possible while still staying true to the established sepia look, so it involved a lot of playing with various layer opacities to find a balance I could live with.