With Cember established as a great shot with his guns, I had to have him disarmed pretty quickly here. Not sure if this will become a recurring problem, kinda like the Marvel movies having to send Captain Marvel away at times to keep her immense power from being in play. We shall see!
Even with a big action scene, it’s fun to inject some humor with Roka and Ril bickering. And of course, it’s always fun when they’re BOTH right!
Only Cember gets disarmed? Does that mean the rest got their shooting skills from the Storm Trooper Academy?
It’s an interesting challenge. Impressive shots do require focus. So instead of disarming him often you could also come up with stuff that distracts him during fights.
She disarms Cember but in that same panel also knocks Roka’s gun away and deflects Ril’s shots with her armor and shield. It was a tough thing to convey, but I definitely wanted it to feel like she was dealing with multiple threats simultaneously, instead of those group-on-1 fight scenes where each person attacks solo while everyone else hangs back and waits their turn. Those always bug me!
It’s an impressive move for sure and it makes sense that it’s powerful enough to disarm Cember at the start, but only has enough power left to move Rocka’s gun out of the way. And it looks like she’s holding back at this point.
I keep imaging this funny scene where Jayd tries to disarm Ril and he just takes out a different weapon after each disarmament.
Ha! That would be a great Ril scene!
Also, good luck knocking away Bennesuad’s tiny gun.
Oh yeah! I love this! Sky is the target of interest but of what? Why does she need Sky? Science fiction & mystery genre combine well! Well done! 🙂
“… My lesbian crush!”
Sorry, had to keep up the theme. XD