With the pilots, I didn’t want them all to share a singular, monolithic viewpoint, so I had some of them view Roka in different ways, which I thought would lend more nuance and interesting angles to Roka’s crime. Most of them are sympathetic to Roka’s situation and punishment. Raszec, clearly, falls on the other side of things, and I can’t say he’s wrong to feel that way. Sorry, Roka.
Raszec is the by the book type, that’s brings an interesting dynamic to this group. I do have to wonder how he feels about the rest since the only difference between them and Roka is that Roka got caught.
I like the background choices for Raszec’s close ups. Not a single colour or ‘just’ a gradient, but also some texture. Very nice!
Sad Roka is sad.
All of the horrible and/or stupid things that Raszec did were regulation compliant. Shaving that mascot-beast at the academy was done with regulation shears and shorn to regulation length. The oil that he basted onto it was regulation quantity and quality, double stamped and certified by a notary public.