Chapter 3 Cover Process
The January hiatus is almost over and story pages will be resuming in February! Thank you, everyone, for your patience while I’ve been getting the next chapter finished and ready to post. First up will be the cover to Chapter 3, which I just finished this week. Here’s a peek at the art process…

As always, I start with blue lead pencils. For many of the Jayd panels in the story and on this cover, I did the energy armor on a separate piece of tracing paper in order to keep it as a separate layer in Photoshop. That way, I’d have the most flexibility in changing its opacity and doing FX with it, if need be. In the line art image above, you can see the armor as a grayscale semi-transparent element.
For the coloring, the image on the left shows the art with just color flats. After that, I do all the shading, highlights, and ship interior details and grunge. The last part is adding the various FX and lighting effects. In this case, I wanted a strong glow on the armor, and in order to really punch it up, I added a blue tint to the rest of the scene to de-emphasize everything but Jayd and Bocce.
As always, a more detailed breakdown is available on my Patreon. Feel free to support the series there to get more behind-the-scenes goodies like this!
Look for Chapter 3 to start posting next week!
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